Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How To Be Just Another American Missionary

Lose Your Ability To Have Compassion
So often I see American’s (and others, but focus here is the good ole U.S.A) come in to Africa and really love on the locals. All is well, life is good. Then the “honeymoon” phase begins to wear off. The hardships begin to sink in and moods begin to change. Joy turns to cynicism. Love turns to haughty pride. A perception arises that America is the standard for all things good and holy, and the locals are stupid for not following in line. The missionary believes that the way America does things should be universal, and all non-Western cultures are behind. The locals begin to “deserve” the hand they have received. The second your compassion fades, there your ability to love and sacrifice yourself like Christ also vanishes.
Go Home, And Nothing Changes
You come and experience Africa, see a safari, hug some kids, say Jesus a couple of times then fly back home. Yet nobody sees any heart change. No stories are told (and that is ultimately what many of the people hear want, to be heard). You jump right back into the American Dream and never look back. But that’s ok, because you checked “Visit Africa” off the bucket list. You didn’t have to really sacrifice anything, that is way too radical. However, something in people changed when they witnesses Jesus working in scripture. They could not go back to what they were. They had a new responsibility to do something about the things they saw.
Value Money And Gifts As The Most Important Thing You Bring
From your first step off the plane to your return to the States, your hands are always reaching into your wallet and your mind is constantly hurting from solving problems. Instead of actually helping the community, you begin to enable the locals to not do anything. They can depend on another white man to fill that need. Because that is all you are good for, filling that next need. But the truth is that Jesus is the best gift you have for these people. HE is what they really need, paper and plastic fade fast. You are a missionary, a carrier of the freedom and hope found in Christ, not just another humanitarian worker.
Continue To Believe One Person Can’t Make A Difference
You are fully bought in to the fact that one person cannot make a difference in the world. I mean, you aren’t possibly capable of doing anything significant. Just stay where you are, no need to move. Being a missionary is only for those qualified and super-spiritual. And even if you went, something bad might happen. You know, there is Malaria in Africa! It kills people! Please let calling drive your actions, not consequences.

If you sense a hint of sarcasm/anger/joy, you are correct. I am honestly tired of seeing people come and go, and having to come in and pick up the trash left behind. I am tired of seeing people claim Christ and not be willing to give up some things for Him because it’s uncomfortable. But know I see something happening. There is this generation/group of believers willing to do the hard things to make Jesus known. And man are they ready to go. So, to you reading this, ready to break the mold? I believe in you, God sure as heck believes in you, these people need you, go…

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